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Lila [Lee-luh]. After searching through countless Arabic names, and making quite the list, I fell upon this and it was like lightning struck. It was perfect; as if she were formed around the name. Lila means purple in German, night in Arabic, lilac in French, and light ripple in Dutch. Purple of course going with her stunning base coat; night is silent and calm, fitting her personality; lilac again going with her coat, and light ripple reminding me of the gorgeous cream markings streaked along her underbelly and side.

Solemn, reserved, sensible, clever, introverted



Lila is a generally quiet and reserved WOI. She prefers to stay out of everyone's attention, and keeps to herself. Lila doesn't share her emotions often--she finds them a waste of energy to show and doesn't understand why some others get so worked up and let their emotions control them. She wasn't always this way, however. As a cub Lila was very playful and open to her mother, but as she aged her personality calmed drastically. Deep in that introverted mind Lila is constantly evaluating and thinking, making her quite clever and logical.

Lila has tron-based armor (like her siblings) with purple circuits. The leathery, dark grey                             material holds the armor plates together

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